Our Parting Shots feature in The Driller puts the spotlight on drilling contractors and the work they do in the field. Now, we've assembled those pictures into an entire online showcase for readers' enjoyment. Check here each month for the latest addition or click here to see previous years' galleries.
A drill rig crew takes rock cores at the Clinch River Breeder Reactor site in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in this photo from around 1974.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Staff Sgt. Fred Frizzell of the 823rd Expeditionary RED HORSE Squadron, does a little air development on a well site in Brisas del Mar, Honduras, in this 2015. It was the second well built as part of a humanitarian exercise.
Source: Capt. David J. Murphy / U.S. Air Force photo
Drilling contractors conduct ground investigation near waste pits at the Fernald site near Cincinnati, Ohio, as part of ongoing monitoring efforts.
Source: U.S. Department of Energy
Caution tape surrounds and area prepped for a well-cleaning project at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, in this 2013 photo.
Source: Airman 1st Class Ashley L. Gardner / U.S. Air Force
A crew with South Atlantic Environmental Drilling and Construction Company installs an injection well at Sans Souci Farm in Sumter, South Carolina, in this 2019 photo. The project involved injection of materials as specific depths to create a barrier to slow the spread of a contaminant plume.
Source: Senior Airman Ashley Maldonado / U.S. Air Force
Drilling contractors work amid the scrub of the Hiawatha National Forest in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula in this 2015 photo. They were installing monitoring wells near the closed Raco Army Airfield site as part of ongoing remediation investigations.
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
A U.S. Geological Survey team performs coring for a geo-chemistry study at Little Sheep Creek near Lima, Montana, in this 2019 photo.
Source: Preston Keres / USDA
A crew installs a monitoring well in the Melton Valley near the Oak Ridge National Laboratory in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, in this 2009 photo.
Source: Lynn Freeny / Department of Energy
The U.S. Air Force begins field work to investigate PFAS at the former Reese Air Force Base near Lubbock, Texas, in this 2020 photo.
Source: Sriram Madabhushi / U.S. Air Force photo / Public Domain
A drill crew installs a residential geothermal well in northern Finland in this 2015 photo.
Source: Olli Niemitalo / Public Domain
A driller with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Mobile District works on a project to relieve stress on the Carters Lake Reregulation Dam in Murray County, Georgia.
Source: USACE
A drill crew prepares a hole for explosives in this 2008 photo. The removal of the abandoned dam on the Tongue River in Custer County, Montana, restored fish habitats.
Source: Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks / CC BY 2.0
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