Our Parting Shots feature in The Driller puts the spotlight on drilling contractors and the work they do in the field. Now, we've assembled those pictures into an entire online showcase for readers' enjoyment. Check here each month for the latest addition or click here to see previous years' galleries.
Contractors drill a monitoring well in Great Falls, Montana, as part of an ongoing testing program for contaminants at the Montana Air National Guard Base.
Source: Senior Master Sgt. Eric Peterson / U.S. Air National Guard / Public Domain
A contract driller operates a rig on a foundation remediation project at Wolf Creek Dam in Jamestown, Kentucky, in this 2011 image.
Source: Lee Roberts / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Nashville District
A drilling contractor works an environmental remediation project at the former Reese Air Force Base near Lubbock, Texas, in this 2020 photo. The project involved installing 25 wells in an area around the former base to track potential migration of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination.
Source: Sriram Madabhushi / U.S. Air Force
Meghan Riehl, a geologist with the USACE – Savannah, inspects soil samples during a groundwater investigation project near Fort Jackson, South Carolina, in this 2016 photo.
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
U.S. Navy sailors conduct well drilling operations in Costa Azul, Honduras.
Source: U.S. Navy
Contractors with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers–Sacramento District use a sonic rig in this 2006 photo at Success Dam near Porterville, Calif. Teams evaluated the soil and rock underneath the dam during a safety study.
Source: Betty J. Bailey / U.S. Army / Public Domain
The sun rises over Lake Mead in this September 2020 photo. Around this time, the reservoir was at about 35% capacity. That level has further receded as droughts continue this year in the Western U.S.
Source: Andrew Cattoir / National Parks Service / Public Domain
Mike Wielputz, a regional technical specialist with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, extrudes a soil sample from a drill tube as he prepares it for testing in this 2014 photo.
Source: Tracy Robillard / USACE
A crew uses a muck bucket to clean a drilled shaft on the Union Square Branch of the Green Line Extension project in greater Boston in this 2019 photo.
Source: MassDOT / Public Domain
A drilling crew operates on a work platform at Wolf Creek Dam in Jamestown, Kentucky, as a tour group stands in the background in this 2012 photo. Drillers were installing a barrier wall to stop seepage in the karst geology deep below in the embankment.
Source: Lee Roberts / U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Micropiles get installed to help support platform structures at Fall River Depot in Fall River, Massachusetts, in this May 2021 photo. The work was part of the South Coast Rail (SCR) project.
Source: MassDOT
A contract drilling crew installs a monitoring well on the ramp of the 120th Airlift Wing in Great Falls, Montana, in this 2017 photo. The project involved 18 new monitoring wells at the Montana Air National Guard base.
Source: Senior Master Sgt. Eric Peterson / U.S. Air National Guard
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