Our Parting Shots feature in The Driller puts the spotlight on drilling contractors and the work they do in the field. Now, we've assembled those pictures into an entire online showcase for readers' enjoyment. Check here each month for the latest addition or click here to see previous years' galleries.
Drillers with Statewide Well Drilling install a 500-foot water well for a new home in Kennewick, Wash.
A rig with Wininger Drilling is set up for a coal exploration job in Healy, Alaska. Wininger uses a refurbished Mobile Drill B80 on a custom off-road carrier with 66-inch tires and little to no ground impact. They say the Alaska terrain is so unique you have to build your own equipment to match the harsh environment.
A crewmember with Holt Services Inc. of Edgewood, Wash., welds casing during a dual rotary demo at the company’s Field Expo event on Aug. 25.
A crewmember with Petrie Pump and Drilling welds at dusk to beat the summer heat on a job at the Kevin Ross Ranch south of Malta, Mont.
Groundwater specialists finish a data-gathering well in the Nevada National Security Site area known as Pahute Mesa in this 2010 photo. The 3,400-foot well was designed to give scientists data about water chemistry and groundwater flow paths in the area.
Drillers with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District use a sonic rig to test soil stability at Success Dam near Porterville, Calif., in this 2006 photo.
Drillers with Terracon put their new Mobile Drill B-57 to word on a geotech job in the Columbus, Ohio, area.
A crew with Hanni Well Drilling mills out the casing on a collapsed hole on a jobsite in Tulare, Calif.
A rig works the Bingham Canyon open pit mine for the Utah Copper Company in Salt Lake County, Utah, in this 1972 image.
Constructionman Jedidiah Fox of the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion Two Five (NMCB 25) Water Well Team hoses down a Mud Puppy filtration system at the New Kabul Compound water well site in Afghanistan in this 2014 photo.
A drilling rig crew takes soil samples for analysis as part of a decontamination and demolition project at Argonne National Laboratory’s Building 330, the former site of a research reactor, in this 2011 photo.
Hard to access sites aren’t an issue for this rig working a water well jobsite in Choluteca, Honduras. Drillers with MAPA drilled to 350 feet using a down-the-hole hammer.
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