Drilling contractors find themselves in the field far more often than most. Rig-up, rig-down, there are always memorable views worth sharing. Our Drillers @Work gallery for 2020 showcases photos submitted by readers throughout the year.
A crew with New England Boring Contractors installs a monitoring well in Rangeley, Maine.
Source: Brad Enos / New England Boring Contractors
New England Boring Contractors put their tracked rig through the paces, crossing ditches and a berm in Boothbay, Maine.
Source: Brad Enos / New England Boring Contractors
A rig with Treasure Drilling Inc. is set up for a 6-inch bore into a silica formation in Gambia in this 2009 photo.
Source: Paul Njie / Treasure Drilling Inc.
Startup Mojave Drilling LLC gets its first contract done in Las Vegas. Owner Jesse Hurtado says it’s “just a little motivation for anyone else out there to never give up and chase your dreams.”
Source: Jesse Hurtado / Mojave Drilling LLC
Drillers with Guatemala’s Aguaperforaciones put the business end of Gefco 30K to work on a recent water well project.
Source: Francisco Duque / Aquaperforaciones
The sun sets on a recent water well project in Guatemala done by drilling company Aguaperforaciones.
Source: Francisco Duque / Aquaperforaciones
Drillers with Guatemala’s Aguaperforaciones work the night shift on a 26-inch, 600-foot hole.
Source: Francisco Duque / Aquaperforaciones
A rig with Vulcan Materials Company is set up for a 6.5-inch blasthole on a jobsite in Norcross, Georgia.
Source: Vulcan Materials Company
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