Our Parting Shot feature in The Driller puts the spotlight on drilling contractors and the work they do in the field. Now, we’ve assembled those pictures into an entire online showcase for readers’ enjoyment. Check here each month for the latest addition or click here to see previous years’ galleries.
A crewman with Premier Drilling welds casing on a project in Eureka, Nevada, at an elevation of about 7,900 feet.
A crew with Hefty Drilling installs a fire protection well for a new health clinic in Tok, Alaska.
A crew with FYG Perforaciones cases a 1,000-foot hole in Guatemala.
Drillers with HPC Land Services mud a hole for a communications tower on a Cheraw, South Carolina, jobsite using their CME 550X.
A crew with the United States Geological Survey (USGS) Resources Program performs coring as part of an operation to assess natural gas deposits in the Mancos shale formation.
A line of drill rigs on display at the 2018 International Foundation Congress and Equipment Expo (IFCEE) event held in Orlando, Florida.
An American flag waves in the breeze, framed by the steel on a Kennewick, Washington, jobsite.
Drillers install one of two characterization wells in the northwest region of the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS) in this 2010 photo. The wells, each 3,400 feet, were part of a network to help scientists study groundwater flow paths in the Pahute Mesa area.
John Banziruk, left, and Ralph DeDominicis with DeDominicis Well Drilling pose with the company’s SpeedStar Model 71 cable-tool rig in this 1950s photo.
Petty Officer 1st Class Peter Hidalgo, a construction mechanic with the Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 40 drilling team from Naval Base Ventura County, Port Hueneme, Calif., mixes sodium bentonite for a well project at the Combat Center’s West training area in this 2008 photo.
John Haskew of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Savannah District conducts a demo for engineers, geologists and drillers at a USACE event in this 2012 photo.
A Ditch Witch JT1220 horizontal directional drill is deployed on a jobsite in Hamburg, Mich., in this 2012 photo.
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