Our Parting Shots feature in The Driller puts the spotlight on drilling contractors and the work they do in the field. Now, we've assembled those pictures into an entire online showcase for readers' enjoyment. Check here each month for the latest addition or click here to see previous years' galleries.
A crew with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Kansas City District prepares a relief well at Lake Contrary near St. Joseph, Mo.
A crew mobilizes a rig for a groundwater monitoring project at the Red Hill Bulk Fuel Storage Facility in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in this 2016 photo.
A drilling crew with Cascade Environmental conducts a sonic sampling demo at a site in Flint, Mich., in July.
Airmen with the 437th Aerial Port Squadron guide a water well drilling rig into a C-5 Galaxy transport aircraft in this 2010 photo at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. The rig was contracted by the U.S. Army to provide troops in the Middle East potable on-site water.
Drillers with Stock Drilling out of Ida, Mich., conduct a demo for Western Michigan University students as part of the college’s Hydrogeology Field Course in this summer 2017 photo.
A Seabee’s drilling rig at work in Harar, Ethiopia, is reflected in a truck door in this 2005 photo.
Crews with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Sacramento District install monitoring wells in advance of levee work along the American River in Sacramento, Calif., in this 2014 photo.
A rig with Drill Management drills a production shot on a jobsite in Churchville, Md., northeast of Baltimore.
A Soilmec SR-75 LDP Drilling Rig customized for SD Drilling in San Diego, California. Soilmec and Champion Equipment Sales worked with SD Drilling to meet their needs and customize the SR-75 to reach depths of 300 feet.
A Natural Power drill crew had fine North Wales weather to sink a successful water well for the main contractor during a site investigation campaign. The team also completed high quality soil sampling and rotary core drilling at wind turbine and infrastructure locations with their low-ground-pressure equipment.
Drillers with Boart Longyear conduct split-spoon sampling at the Arkema site, a former pesticide manufacturing facility on the Willamette River in Portland, Ore., in this 2009 photo.
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