Hear from Three Geothermal Experts
National Driller readers fall into a number of categories, from water well folks to foundations engineers. This is a tip for the geothermal guys (and gals) out there.
A big subset of National Driller readers work in geothermal, an energy source I find fascinating. Given that, I was excited to hear about an upcoming webinar all about the opportunities in geothermal power development.
“Which are the hottest locations and where will the smart money go?” the page for the event asks. Good question. If you’re in geothermal, or thinking about putting your rig and crews to work in geothermal, you may want to check this out. It’s free, so the only thing you have to lose is an hour of your time.
The webinar will feature three speakers: Alexander Richter, founder of ThingGeoEnergy; Hezy Ram, a geothermal consultant and founder of Ram Power; and Siddhartha Sinha, vice president of Marathon Capital. There’s a lot of experience there, and it’ll be interesting to hear what these experts have to say about growth in the industry.
The webinar is hosted by the website for the event GeoPower Europe, which bills itself as the “main meeting place for the geothermal industry, bringing developers and project operators/owners together with key policy-makers, financiers, technology providers and other international experts.” (Yes, the event’s in Amsterdam, but I’ll remind U.S. readers that people from all over read www.thedriller.com.) This year’s event looks at case studies, risks, operations and maintenance, financing and technology.
So, if you get a chance, listen in on the webinar. Geothermal drilling hard work, so grab a sandwich, take an hour out of your day and see where your industry might be headed.
In Other News
I try to put up a blog post every Tuesday and I’m a little late this week. For the two people who missed me, aww, shucks. I appreciate your concern but I’ve been traveling and, when I got back, right up on deadline getting out June’s print issue. It has some great stories, including my report from the recent Institutes for Journalism & Natural Resources excursion I took, a look at a Boart Longyear project that drilled Oregon’s deepest water well, and a peek at a fascinating dam reinforcement project (for the foundations folks out there). It’ll hit your mailbox in early June, so keep your eyes out.
Stay safe out there, drillers.