This begins a series of columns on water conditioning and problems of water quality I have encountered in my career in southeast Michigan. First, I want to write a little bit about a stopgap method of getting soft water that carried on for many, many years.
As usual, winter — or the slow season — is the time most drillers take the time to maintain their equipment in order to get ready for the peak season. One of the main parts that usually needs attention is the mud pump.
Tier 4 Final air compressors are not the same machines simply repackaged with new engines. Additional technology and features have been incorporated to deliver better efficiency, more uptime and extra value on the jobsite.
PVC casing is inexpensive, reliable, never rusts and, used within limits, will make a lifetime well. However, PVC has one major drawback: It is not as strong as steel pipe.
If you are running conventional oilfield drill pipe, drilling deep with a mud rotary or perhaps drilling 5,000 feet for natural gas with flush joint drill pipe, then you are familiar with the term "upset."