In North America, state or provincial regulations work to ensure that wells are properly drilled and do not pose a threat to valued groundwater aquifers. An important aspect of completing a well is to grout the annular space between the drilled borehole and the casing.
Aqueous drilling through clay has always been a potentially difficult situation and, over the years, sundry solutions have been presented to combat this sticky enemy.
This January will mark 40 years of experience of working with drilling fluids and drilling fluids recycling equipment for this author, and yours truly could write a book on drilling fluids mixing errors made by both vertical and horizontal directional drilling contractors.
Everyone can agree that safety has become an integral part of any construction site. We all have the same goal — to come home safely at the end of every day.
Before the homeowner turns up the thermostat, before the HVAC contractor installs the equipment, and before you place the loops and grout the borehole, there is Step 1: the drilling of a good hole that stays open and allows for the loop to be installed to the required depth.