The Sacramento River and its tributaries have been deemed healthy for drinking and irrigation, despite high levels of the insecticide diazinon and seasonally high concentrations of mercury at locations throughout the watershed.
The National Ground Water Association has established Group 2020, a strategic visioning institute of internationally respected groundwater professionals.
The New Jersey Legislature approved a bill that requires water testing and compliance enforcement for residential wells before they begin operating or when they are resold.
The Sierra Club and Friends of the Santa Clara River have filed a lawsuit in Ventura County, Calif., claiming that water agencies have inaccurately reported water supplies in the Urban Management Plan.
Judges at the 11th Annual Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting recently sipped waters from communities around the globe, ultimately deciding which municipality had the best tasting tap water in the world.
Americans can use their computers to find out how much President Bush's budget proposal would invest in their state's recreation, wildlife, and land and water conservation efforts.