Turkey's Lake Van provides a glimpse into Eurasia's climate history. Much like tree rings, pollen layers in the lake’s sediment reveal local temperature and weather changes, and drill cores of the lakebed will give researchers an effective snapshot of climate patterns over thousands of years.
According to the assessment, the number of countries producing power from geothermal resources could increase 120 percent, from 21 countries in 2000 to as many as 46 countries in 2010.
Drilling deep into the seabed below the Antarctic ice is allowing scientists insight into climate changes spanning literally millions of years. Newly recovered cores are filled with an abundance of information about Antarctica's ice sheet and climate history.
An interdisciplinary science team conducted submarine drilling operations to test hypotheses about ground water flow under and into the Nauset Marsh estuary system. The team used an ATV-mounted drilling rig secured to a barge to drive an electrical-resistivity probe into sediment and to collect submarine ground water samples at seven sites.
U.S. Sen. Jeff Bingaman and U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon have received the 2007 Ground Water Protector Award from the National Ground Water Association (NGWA). The Ground Water Protector Award recognizes
The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Water Quality Financing Act of 2007 (HR 720) by a strong 303-108 vote. The bill would authorize the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA)