The Interior Department recently announced approval of three major renewable energy projects, including a 70-megawatt geothermal development in Pershing County, Nev.
The United States and the state of Arkansas filed an enforcement action last week against ExxonMobil Pipeline Company and Mobil Pipe Line Company in federal district court in Little Rock. The complaint concerns the March rupture in the companies’ Pegasus Pipeline in Mayflower, Ark.
Australian company Downhole Surveys says its new Azimuth Aligner can cut the time aligning a drilling rig from an hour and a half to just five minutes.
Thompson Pump & Manufacturing Co. in April graduated 55 attendees from their 23rd annual Pumpology School at their corporate facilities in Port Orange, Fla.
The National Drilling Association expects more than 100 drillers, drilling managers, company owners and manufacturers at the 2012 NDA Convention this fall.
The recent occurrence of arsenic in some wells in Pennsylvania has the National Ground Water Association reminding people of the importance of regular water testing.