NY-GEO announces the opening of its Top Jobs 2024 competition, inviting geothermal professionals to showcase their innovative projects in three new categories: Residential, Commercial, and Drilling, to highlight the growth and excellence in geothermal energy use across New York State.
In this edition of Schmitt's 'Let Me Tell Ya,' John Schmitt explores the challenges of encountering boulders in cable tool drilling and offers practical advice and historical perspectives on how to manage and overcome these underground obstacles effectively.
Supply chain management and optimization require agility, flexibility, and a fresh perspective! See how this supply chain leader manages his supply chain and uses predictive analysis and technology to optimize effectively.
It's time we challenge the widely accepted rule that solid control systems in drilling must have at least 1.5 times the hole volume, using practical tests and real-world application to explore the efficacy and necessity of this standard in various drilling scenarios.
In the tough, competitive world of drilling, establishing a strong brand identity isn't just about looking professional—it's about becoming the go-to expert that clients trust.