Even the most conscientious and careful drilled shaft installation program can be subject to incidents during construction. Bad weather, unexpected delays in concrete delivery, equipment breakdowns or unanticipated ground conditions can produce imperfections or defects in the completed drilled shaft foundation.
The distinguishing feature of the dual-rotary (DR) drill rig is a lower rotary drive, which is used to independently advance casing up to 40 inches, depending on the drill model.
Drilling muds have four basic properties that determine the behavior of the mud as a drilling fluid – viscosity, density, gel strength and filtration. Several other properties, although of lesser importance, need to be checked, especially if problems are anticipated or encountered.
Regardless of purpose, almost all water wells must be provided with a means of protecting the borehole and provision made for the entrance of water from surrounding aquifers. This article discusses casing and screen materials in common use in the word today. It also sets forth the factors to be considered in their choice.
Effective irrigation is not possible without a reliable water source. Irrigation wells must produce a high volume of water during the driest months of the year, July and August. To maintain consistent, high production from year to year, a well requires annual maintenance, just like any other piece of valuable equipment.