Shaping Helpers into Drillers with Will Keyes
Will Keyes shifted from home building to drilling after the 2008 housing bubble burst.
“What are we drilling for?” he recalls asking during his interview for the job that brought him into the industry. Fast forward to today, and Keyes works as senior superintendent with Griffin Dewatering, which offers dewatering and groundwater control services across the U.S. He’s also a Certified Well Driller with the National Ground Water Association (NGWA) and an accomplished sonic driller. We brought him on Drilling In-Site, episode 40, to talk mentoring, site leadership and molding helpers into capable drillers.
Keyes has had a hand in developing training programs, and he recommends easing promising trainees into the process of running a rig.
“You slowly let them do one step at a time, and over the course of six weeks, eight weeks, they’ve done every part of the drilling process and it’s time to let them run the day,” he says. “Let them run the job that entire day on their own, and see how they do.
This episode covers topics like:
- Sonic drilling
- Mentoring drilling trainees
- Developing driller training programs
- Recruiting young people into the drilling industry
Check out today’s episode to hear more. Watch the video here or listen to the audio version of our conversation at www.thedriller.com/insite-podcast. You can also find our show on Apple Podcasts. Search for Drilling In-Site, then hit Subscribe.
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