Captive air tanks did away with the problem of water logging and also gave the customer far less rusty water than the old-style pressure tanks because the water in the tank and the air were completely separated. This, however, created a whole new situation regarding iron filtration.
In years gone by, my father and I sold a number of cartridge-type filters to customers who had rusty water. After several years, we began to investigate other types of filters that would work on ferric or visible iron.
Sometimes, a career stems from a family tradition. Other times, an opportunity falls into your lap by chance. And, very rarely, it happens out of love.
Any kind of water is treatable. However, there are times when it makes more sense to repair potential issues with a well, and other times that call for drilling a well in a new location.
Saltwater intrusion occurs naturally along the thousands of miles of U.S. coastline, though it is exacerbated by climatic events and increased water demand driven by population growth.