The Metropolitan St. Louis Sewer District (MSD) is upgrading its storm and wastewater infrastructure in a 23-year-long, $4.7 billion initiative called “Project Clear.”
Law shapes much of what we do. For writers, law affects what we can publish. We can’t, for example, libel people by printing accusations not supported by facts. Laws and government regulations also govern drilling, whether drillers go after water, turn to the right in search of oil or gas, or run horizontally installing fiber optic lines.
A story I saw this week offered another example of well permits skyrocketing as dry condition persist in parts of the U.S. This time, it's Fresno, Calif.
Recent news has pushed that question to the top of my mind. The tiny town of Magdalena, N.M., depends on one well, and that well failed. What do you do then?