The number of products available to drillers is constantly growing and, therefore, they face a never-ending learning curve. This column addresses some of the frequently asked questions we receive about grouts and sealants.
Traveling to whatever state calls for a job, gaining experience in a variety of specializations, and trying a little bit of everything can all add up to be the difference between failing and success.
Between conventional mud drilling and straight air drilling, there is another method that is well adapted to many parts of the country: reverse circulation drilling.
Civil turmoil, dense forests and under-developed infrastructure blanket a majority of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Add to that a lack of clean drinking water, and daily life in many of the region’s isolated communities is an absolute battle.
I am of the opinion that if you really go to one of these things, you can’t fail to meet someone new who it will be in your best interest to know, see a new product that you might want to use or learn a new process, especially in drilling, that can be valuable to you.