Myrtle Beach, SC (July 28, 2024) — The second day of the 2024 South Atlantic Jubilee was packed with insightful sessions, networking opportunities, and engaging activities that provided valuable knowledge and connections for professionals in the water well industry.

Morning Sessions and Key Updates

The second day of this groundwater and water well drilling event began with a few key sessions from thought leaders in the industry before the show floor opened up, and the company leaders could share their services and products from booth to booth. 

2024 State of the U.S. Water Well Industry Report

Margaret Martens from the Water Systems Council kicked off the day with a comprehensive report on the current state of the U.S. water well industry. She highlighted several critical issues, including industry setbacks, crises, employee turnover, and safety protocols. Martens also discussed the economic climate and the impact of droughts on the industry’s bottom line, providing attendees with a clear understanding of the challenges and opportunities ahead.

Update on Legal Issues Impacting the Water Well Industry

Jesse Richardson, also from the Water Systems Council, followed with a crucial update on the legal landscape affecting the water well industry. He covered a range of topics, including PFAS regulations, EPA and OSHA guidelines, and the implications of the Texas vs. New Mexico case. Richardson explained that although Texas won the case concerning 66,000 acre-feet, the ruling's demand to stop drilling water wells poses significant challenges for the industry. He also touched on the Chevron ruling, adding further context to the legal hurdles faced by water well professionals.

Afternoon Highlights

Right after lunch, the sessions and afternoon fun continued with Brock Yordy and several events sponsored by major companies in the industry. 

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Driller

The highlight of the afternoon was Brock Yordy’s interactive session, "Who Wants to be a Millionaire Driller." For 1.5 hours, 25 contestants participated in a thrilling game show-style competition, answering questions about drilling history, the origins of different drilling styles, safety, drilling techniques, and the science and math behind the industry. The session was both educational and entertaining, showcasing the depth of knowledge within the drilling community.

Beverage Bar and Networking

The evening activities began at 6 PM with the opening of the Beverage Bar, sponsored by AO Smith. Attendees had the opportunity to mix and mingle, discussing the day's sessions and forging new professional connections in a relaxed environment.

Worth Pickard Family Picnic

At 6:30 PM, the Worth Pickard Family Picnic, sponsored in part by Franklin Electric and DSI, provided a family-oriented event for all attendees. The picnic offered a delightful end to the day, with good food, entertainment, and the chance to unwind with colleagues and family members.

Day 2 recap coloring.jpg#FutureDrillers showing off their art skills and the rigs they love most!

Looking Ahead

As Day 2 of the South Atlantic Jubilee concluded, the energy and enthusiasm among attendees were palpable. The knowledge shared and connections made will undoubtedly contribute to the ongoing growth and development of the water well industry.

We look forward to the final day of the Jubilee and the continued exchange of ideas and expertise that define this essential industry event. At the end of the day, 'community' is the first word that comes to mind when thinking about this family-friendly, heartfelt, and genuine conference.