In the latest Driller Newscast with Brock Yordy, we're excited to share an exclusive interview with Jim McClain, the President of the South Atlantic Jubilee, a pivotal event for the drilling community set in Myrtle Beach. 

year's Jubilee promises a unique blend of professional development opportunities and family-friendly activities, marking a significant recovery and advancement post-COVID-19.

Jim discusses the Jubilee's role in water rights advocacy, shares personal insights from his journey from Chicago to Savannah, and highlights the importance of educational initiatives within the drilling industry.

Join us as we delve into the significance of this event and explore how it aims to enhance industry knowledge, advocacy, and community engagement.

Watch the Newscast 

Covered in this episode:

  • Brock’s top classes to attend at The Jubilee
  • Summer professional development and camaraderie
  • The importance of state associations being active at a state and national level
  • Interview with Jubilee President Jim McClain covering 2024 Jubilee and drilling history

    Full Interview

    Brock Yordy:

    It's that time of year again, everybody. Jubilee is in a week, and I am very excited because I have the President of the Jubilee, Jim McClain, with me today. I'm going to let him introduce himself and his background.

    If you're not going to the Jubilee, you are missing out. I went as a child and then as a teenager. Bay Roy asked me to be their first intern at the Jubilee, and it has helped me become the professional that I am today.

    I get to hang out, teach, and they let me host a game show. There isn't a more fun conference to bring your family to while professionally developing and cutting loose. Now, I'm going to hand it over to Jim to introduce himself and his history. So Jim, welcome.

    Jim McClain:

    Hey, thank you, Brock. I appreciate it. Good to see you again. I usually see you at least twice a year, but I'm really looking forward to this year because we're planning on having a great event at the Jubilee in 2024. ‘Sea’ you at the shore in 2024 is our motto this year, and we're really looking forward to it. So far, the numbers are looking good.

    As Brock said, I'm Jim McClain, the President of the Jubilee. It's my first year as a tenured member of the Jubilee. I've been on the board for probably 12 to 14 years, so it's been quite an experience. Being on this board of the Jubilee is one of the best things I've ever done.

    I'm a volunteer in the fire department and have served on state boards and been involved in local municipality issues. But being on the Jubilee board with these people has been a tremendous honor. Every one of our discussions is about how we can make the Jubilee better, more enjoyable, and more significant for families. We work hard to make this the premier event in the country.

    We may not be the biggest, but we have a niche for the South of East Jubilee, and we welcome everyone. Our focus is on contact. It's a smaller but more concentrated event. We have drillers, pump suppliers, and vendors, and everyone knows each other. When you go to some of these booths, you've been seeing them for 10 years, and it's great to reconnect.

    The Jubilee has petting zoos, meals, picnics, vendors' events, one-on-one meetings with salespeople, beaches, and entertainment around Myrtle Beach, like the Opry Land. Myrtle Beach has more golf courses per capita than anywhere else on the planet and even more miniature golf courses. The seafood is fantastic. We do our best to entertain you and keep you busy. You won't have much free time if you plan it out right. So we look forward to seeing you at the Jubilee. See you at the shore in 2024.

    Brock Yordy:

    You say you're not as big of a show, but it's very important. Going into the end of July and beginning of August, with all the things happening throughout the country with water and drought, extreme weather, there are plenty of pieces we all need to keep in mind. Bringing the drilling community together, including manufacturers, pump setters, and technical drillers, is vital. You have great geotechnical and environmental drillers showing up, and there are lots of rigs on the floor. It's a great time to think about the industry and be proactive.

    Jim McClain:

    The Jubilee is an extension of the state associations. Members represent their individual states in the Jubilee or association. Most lobbying and political awareness happen at the state level. But as a group, we know the bigger your group, the more power you have. Keeping the Jubilee strong and worthwhile is essential.

    We faced challenges, especially during COVID when we didn't have the show. Thanks to excellent management, support, and sponsorships, we've recovered and are building back again. Let's keep this thing together and going because if it's not the Jubilee, something else will have to be created to keep our vendors, suppliers, and contractors united.

    Brock Yordy:

    Thinking about all the states that come together, how is it sitting on a board with multiple states? What state do you represent at the Jubilee?

    Jim McClain:

    I represent Georgia. Although I'm originally from the Chicago area, I've been in Savannah for 46 years. My children are from Savannah, so they let me stay. I've grown to appreciate both the North and South cultures.

    Brock Yordy:

    Yeah, it's stocking caps and cowboy hats. That's about it.

    Jim McClain:

    Exactly. Up north, it's cold, and down here, it's the heat. Both have their challenges. I've enjoyed my time in Georgia and the State Association. I was president there and on the board for many years. State associations keep the Jubilee strong and active. We recently welcomed Florida members back to the board, which is fantastic. I'm proud to represent Georgia and the Jubilee as president. My father-in-law was a driller, and I learned a lot from him. My wife's grandfather was a well driller in Illinois.

    Being on the Jubilee board has been a wonderful experience. If you've never been to the Jubilee, you really don't know what you're missing. It's almost like a family reunion, with people coming for 30, 40, even 50 years. It's a tradition for many families.

    Brock Yordy:

    I couldn't agree more. The Jubilee is vital, and the Georgia Association, with Tucker's help, passed a law allowing anyone with property larger than one acre to have a private water well. This sparked discussions and led other states like North and South Carolina to consider similar laws. We're not just a family show but also doing big nationwide things.

    Jim McClain:

    We have a state constitution that gives you the right to the minerals under your property, including water. A superior court judge affirmed this right. Tucker's law passed unanimously in both the House and Senate. It's a big deal.

    Our community is committed to protecting water quality and health. We go to great lengths to ensure a clean water supply because, without it, we can't drill wells. This law was a significant achievement. Other states are looking to us for guidance. Leadership and perseverance are crucial.

    Brock Yordy:

    I love it. North Carolina State Association recently talked about orphaned wells that needed to be abandoned appropriately. It's great to see how active the Jubilee states are in protecting groundwater and advocating for what's right.

    Jim McClain:

    The member states of the Jubilee represent the strongest water rights advocacy in the country. Maintaining our water rights is crucial. We need more people involved in local and state politics. Personal connections with state legislators are essential. A face-to-face meeting has more impact than a thousand form letters.

    Brock Yordy:

    Face-to-face connections built our industry. You're also documenting history and talking about our legacy. Can you talk about your journey and how you got started?

    Jim McClain:

    Absolutely. I'd like to introduce my friend and cohort, Eddie Ron. He helped me with this endeavor. Eddie suggested we make a documentary about the water industry. We started with the Wells of the Bible, highlighting the importance of water throughout history.

    The documentary aims to educate and engage people about the water industry. We've covered various topics, from the wells of Savannah to the water wars between Georgia and Florida. Our goal is to provide valuable educational content for professionals and the general public.

    Brock Yordy:

    I appreciate your time today. One last pitch for the Jubilee. Anything you want to say before we close this out?

    Jim McClain:

    There's still time to join us. This is going to be the biggest event we've had in years. Whether it's your first time or your last, come see us. Board members in teal shirts will be around. Tell us what we're doing right and what we can improve. We look forward to seeing you at the shore in 2024!

    Brock Yordy:

    So, see us at the shore in 2024!

    Jim McClain:

    See you at the shore in 2024! I'm looking forward to seeing you all!

    Brock Yordy:

    I'm very excited to be there, and I appreciate your time today. Thank you so much, Jim.

    Jim McClain:

    My pleasure, and thank you for what you do for the industry, Brock. It's people like you that motivate people like me. Thank you.