HammerDrum AG has announced a significant breakthrough in drilling technology with the development and successful deployment of the world's first fully automated geothermal drilling robot. This innovative technology is designed to operate entirely within the borehole, advancing into the depths in a manner similar to a worm. The new drilling robot aims to enable cost-effective deep drilling between 500 and 3,000 meters, potentially transforming the use of geothermal energy for large properties and urban developments.

According to Oliver Rau, co-founder of HammerDrum AG, the new technology addresses the high costs and large construction site requirements that have traditionally made deep drilling impractical in urban areas. "With conventional technologies, deep drilling is often too expensive and requires large construction sites, making it impractical, especially in urban areas. Our drilling robot will provide a solution by enabling deep drilling in small spaces and at a fraction of the cost," Rau stated.

The development process of the drilling robot has included extensive field testing over the past twelve months. "Brake it till you make it," joked Duarte Santos, a former simulation engineer at CERN and co-founder of HammerDrum AG. Santos emphasized the importance of rigorous testing, noting that the first successful drilling, which reached a depth of roughly 20 meters, marks a significant milestone for the company. "From here, it’s all downhill – into the depths," he added.

HammerDrum AG was founded by four geothermal enthusiasts: Nicola Nyffeler, Oliver Rau, Duarte Santos, and Giovanni Cerfeda. Their shared vision is to make deep geothermal sources widely accessible, economical, and CO2-neutral. Supported by two private investors and the Swiss Climate Foundation, the company aims to simplify the drilling process, allowing apartment buildings worldwide to meet their heating needs with affordable and sustainable geothermal energy.

For further information and access to related images, contact HammerDrum AG at info@hammerdrum.rocks.