Industry leaders, professionals, and enthusiasts in the field of sustainable building and energy solutions are invited to attend the first Decarb Boston Summit on June 18, 2024, at Sasaki in downtown Boston. This pivotal event will explore crucial themes vital for advancing a decarbonized future and enhancing urban sustainability.

The summit will cover a range of topics crucial for advancing sustainable urban development:

  • Compliance and Beyond: Understanding and navigating Boston's Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) and broader climate requirements.
  • Innovation in Materials: Discovering new sustainable materials to reduce embodied carbon in building projects.
  • Next-Gen Solutions: Delving into cutting-edge technologies such as geothermal energy, heat recovery systems, and Thermal Energy Network Solutions (TENS).
  • Financing the Future: Unpacking strategies for funding large-scale decarbonization projects.

This gathering is a must-attend for all stakeholders aiming to stay at the forefront of the sustainability conversation and actively participate in shaping a sustainable future for urban environments.

Event Highlights Include:

  • Opening remarks by Tamar Warburg, Director of Sustainability at Sasaki, setting the stage for a day of insightful discussions and innovative solutions.
  • A panel on Thermal Energy Network Pilot Programs sharing lessons learned, featuring experts like Angie Alberto Escobar and Joel Wool.
  • Sessions on best practices for building decarbonization, reducing embodied carbon, and navigating regulatory landscapes such as BERDO.
  • Discussions on innovative financial frameworks to support decarbonization efforts, featuring insights from leaders in policy and sustainable practices.

The Decarb Boston Summit represents a collaborative platform for sharing knowledge, networking with peers, and discovering new technologies and strategies to drive the transition towards a more sustainable and resilient urban landscape.

For more details and to register, visit Decarb Boston Summit Website.