For this week’s episode, we shine a light on the Water Systems Council’s annual State of the U.S. Water Well Industry survey. This year’s survey just opened, and water well and drilling professionals are invited to take it before Dec. 20.
“It’s a third-party firm that is taking all of this information and bringing it together, so it’s confidential,” host Brock Yordy says “But we need to make sure we’re stating how many operational drill rigs we have within our business. How many full-time employees? How much revenue a year? This isn’t like pencil-whipping a well-log so that your local competitors can’t understand where the same good producing formation is. We got to get better at that. We’re groundwater professionals. We’re not a bunch of diggers.”
The WSC again partnered with manufacturers, distributors and state associations to distribute the survey to their contractor and employee email lists. Reach out now if you didn’t get your link, or stop by the WSC’s booth 175 at Groundwater Week in Las Vegas. Survey participants are entered into a drawing for a $250 Visa gift card.
This episode covers:
- Staying alert to safety amid the holidays
- The importance of stop-work authority
- Proper PPE for drilling and construction — including gloves
- The Water Systems Council’s State of the U.S. Water Well Industry survey
- Why surveying the groundwater and drilling industry matters
- NGWA’s upcoming Groundwater Week event in Las Vegas
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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to