This episode takes us to Washington, D.C., for the National Ground Water Association’s Legislative Fly-In. Host Brock Yordy talks to attendees about groundwater, groundwater policy, CDL policy and other issues critical to the industry.
“It’s always good to have that reminder for our members that they deserve a place in this conversation,” says Ben Frech, NGWA’s public relations and government affairs manager. “If anybody deserves a place in a conversation about groundwater, it’s the boots on the ground. It’s the people in these districts, in these states who live this every day.”
This episode covers:
- U.N. 2023 Water Conference
- Impacts of water scarcity on economic development
- Drillers, groundwater and “smart” groundwater policies
- The National Ground Water Association’s 2023 Legislative Fly-In
- Influencing national, state and local government policy on groundwater issues
- Meeting workforce needs in trades like drilling and construction
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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to