Time for context, folks. An acre-foot of water is 325,851 gallons. In the United States, we use nearly 1 million of those acre-feet every day. It’s kind of a staggering amount, and this week anchor Brock Yordy walks us through where it comes from and where it goes. Then, in this week’s safety segment, we talk about carbon monoxide.
This episode covers:
- Carbon monoxide safety
- The importance of air quality monitors for trenching, enclosed space work
- Tribal water rights in the U.S.
- Droughts in the Western U.S.
- Water use in the United States
- Which states have the most irrigated cropland?
- Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS)
- Sackett vs. EPA case before the U.S. Supreme Court
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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to questions@askbrock.com.