Solving water issues for low-income and rural citizens can prove both difficult and rewarding. That’s where the Water Well Trust comes in. The non-profit arm of the Water Systems Council works to coordinate low-cost financing for families to repair or install their home water well. On this episode, we talk to WSC Executive Director Margaret Martens.
“There are over two million Americans living without water in their homes, and people do not realize that,” Martens says.
This episode covers:
- Safe driving, construction work in urban areas
- Securing construction sites for safety
- Rescue hopes for miners trapped underground in Mexico’s Coahuila state
- Infrastructure projects and prevailing wages
- Waters of the United States (WOTUS)
- Efforts to get safe drinking water to underserved areas in the U.S.
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Drilling expert Brock Yordy is a regular The Driller contributing writer. Send news tips and interview suggestions to

This episode of The Driller Newscast is brought to you by TDH Manufacturing.