Our company, Drilling Consultants International, was formed in 1989 in Virginia Beach by Howard and Bess Cutter. Since our son, Chris (he prefers to be called Piglet), has joined the company, DCI has a combined experience of 165 years.

Our company owns no equipment. We teach others to operate and maintain their equipment properly. We teach all methods of well drilling and pump installation internationally. To date we have worked all over the United States, Nigeria, Taiwan, Panama, Chile, Mexico, Cameroon, Tanzania and Haiti.

Our goal is to supply needy countries with safe drinking water, irrigation and sewage.

In 2015 we formed Ground Water International Solutions, a non-profit organization that will locate and refurbish donated equipment, then ship it to developing countries along with our instructors (teachers) to teach local people the proper maintenance and operation of their equipment. Our current goal is to form a well drilling business on Gonave, an island off the Haitian coast. The business will be owned and operated by a trusted and knowledgeable local person on Gonave. We’ll ship a drilling machine and support equipment to Gonave. Once there, we’ll return to Gonave to teach a chosen crew to operate the equipment.

We are advised there are some 130,000 residents on the island and most have only rain water. Since the island is mostly limestone, there are no streams or rivers. Most of the wells drilled by well-intended church groups weren’t drilled properly or are too shallow, having been done with the improper equipment. Most of these wells have since failed.

It is necessary to drill wells into the underground freshwater bowl (being lighter than seawater, freshwater trapped in a bowl above the seawater). Many porous limestone wells in the upper regions (highlands) have previously failed or are already. Replacement wells must be drilled using cable tools.

We have chosen Haiti as our primary project because it’s close to the U.S. We have the proper equipment located in the U.S. We need approximately $200,000 to get the equipment to Gonave and commence with the drilling.

Once we have this project up and running, our plans are to expand to other countries. The saying, “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime,” is not from the Bible. It is an old Chinese proverb. Our goal is to “Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

We have the knowledge, what we need is the funds.

Our other project is to form a well drilling college in Virginia Beach where we will teach people to drill wells properly. Graduates will be certified and accredited. The students will be taught proper operation and experience all methods of drilling.

In most countries, safe water is life. In the near future, I predict safe well water in the U.S. will be one of our most important commodities. In the past, who would have ever thought we would be purchasing safe drinking from stores today? Safe water is life!

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