Geo-Connections Inc. is introducing LoopLink PRO, a Web-based commercial geothermal design software.  The subscription-based program is a full-featured loop design tool that allows engineers to design and size geothermal ground heat exchangers for heating and cooling commercial spaces like manufacturing facilities, shopping malls and schools.

“We are really excited to make LoopLink PRO available,” says Ryan Carda, president of Geo-Connections.  “It is a huge leap forward for our industry with the ability to work online, collaborate with teammates, share with customers, design campus loops, drag and drop elements. … PRO yanks commercial geo design software out of the ‘90s.”

The fact that LoopLink PRO is online means upgrades to the software are seamlessly delivered to all subscribers, including new equipment and updates to manufacturers’ equipment catalogs. The software also takes an innovative approach to the organization and design of systems with a construct called ‘zone groups.’

“Zone groups are basically projects within projects” Carda says.  “Combined with the portability of project elements, it is really simple to do ‘what-ifs’ in your designs.  Shut off zones, move them from zone group to zone group, the interface and project structure is perfect for engineers.”

LoopLink PRO offers a host of other unique features including the ability to share projects with multiple users, automatic header design, real time equipment corrections, professional design reports and more.  

To learn more about LoopLink PRO, visit