The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has issued new standard test methods for thermal integrity profiling of concrete deep foundations.

The Thermal Integrity Profiler (TIP) from Pile Dynamics meets the new standard issued by ASTM. Source: Pile Dynamics

ASTM D7949 – 14 sets minimum requirements for profiling methods and states that “the thermal profile resulting from the early curing of concrete can be used to evaluate the homogeneity and integrity of the concrete mass.” The standards are relevant to structures including bored piles, drilled shafts, augured piles, diaphragm walls, barrettes and dams.

Pile Dynamics Inc. offers a thermal integrity profiler that meets the requirements of ASTM D7949. The latest version, featuring a larger screen, can quickly scan the early curing process and potentially reveal local defects.

The new ASTM standard is available for purchase at and more for information on deep foundation technology from Pile Dynamics, go to