Vermeer’s new R600HC drilling fluid reclaimer meets the International Electrotechnical Commission Explosive (IECEX) standards for areas where methane, ethylene and similar gases are present.

Vermeer drilling fluids reclaimer
Vermeer's R600HC is safe for use in potentially explosive jobsites. Source: Vermeer

“We took the time to comprehensively study the global market and its current needs," said Jon Heinen, pipeline business manager for Vermeer. “As a manufacturer, we saw an opportunity to leverage our engineering and technology expertise along with a strong dealer network to develop and fully support a product that satisfies a growing need in the oil and gas industry.”

That growing need is for a drilling fluid reclaimer powered by an external power source to render it incapable of generating sparks and, therefore, making it safe to use in potentially explosive areas.

The contractor supplies the R600HC with an external power source to meet local worksite regulations, but with its manual-start diesel engine it can be set up before it is connected to an external power source.

The 8,361-gallon reclaimer uses a series of shakers, screens and cones to filter out solids, producing reusable drilling fluid. Dual self-contained entrance and exit points on its elevated platform provide efficient access to the working deck while the one-level deck provides a centralized location for all major operating controls.

To reduce wear on the screens and cones, larger cuttings and material are removed as drilling fluid is routed through a pre-screen separation tank prior to flowing into the shaker deck.

The reclaimer is capable of either linear or elliptical shaking motion to suit the drilling conditions, and each shaker is equipped with four vibration-isolating airbags to isolate the vibration from the rest of the machine. The desilter cones’ underflow collects in a trough where fine particles are routed to the shaker’s upstream side.

To efficiently transition from transport mode to operation mode or vice versa, two independent hydraulic jacks raise or lower the front of the machine.

The R600HC shakers, cones and MCM centrifugal pumps are all industry-recognized, and independent, authorized Vermeer dealers provide service, parts and support for the machine.

Contractors must acquire third-party certification to put the R600HC into service. Certification is dependent on specific geographical locations and may include additional requirements. 

Vermeer Corporation, based in Pella, Iowa, serves utility drilling, surface mining and pipeline drilling markets. The company also works in agriculture, biomass and other equipment areas. For more information, visit or email