Johnson Screens, based in St. Paul, Minn., is holding a Groundwater & Wells Design Class in Golden, Colo.
The class, held at the Golden Hotel from Feb. 26-28, features discussions on design, construction, operation and maintenance of high-capacity water wells. Lectures will cover proper design of a supply well, assessment of information needed to design wells and problem solving during the exploration stage. Topics of specific interest to drillers include selection of the best drilling method and proper drilling fluids, as well as making pump, motor and motor control choices.
Featured speakers at next month’s event will include Thomas Hanna, PG, a hydrologist with Johnson Screens; Mike Mehmert, the company’s water well products sales manager; Fred Rothauge, a licensed driller/drilling fluids engineer with Hydro Resources; and Michael J. Schnieders, PH-GW, president of Water Systems Engineering; among others.
The cost of the class before Feb. 1 is $600. After that, the price goes up to $650. Included in the class is lunch, course notes and a copy of Johnson Screens’ Groundwater & Wells, 3rd Edition.
Click here for the registration form. For any additional question, contact Johnson Screens at 800-833-9473.