Water-Right Inc., a leading manufacturer of water treatment equipment, rounds out its product offering by introducing Pro Products into the mix. Pro Products is a manufacturer of chemicals and products with a wide variety of uses in the water treatment market; its products include potassium permanganate for greensand units, citric acid for resin cleaning, and soda ash for tannin units.
Rust-Out, Water-Right’s best-seller in this product line, is designed to help remove iron and rust buildup that can coat resin and fouls a conventional water softener. It works by changing rust and iron into a clear solution that rinses away. It does not contain harsh or abrasives chemicals that can damage fiberglass, porcelain or acrylic finishes. The advanced formula contains more than five chemicals that are formulated to clean, restore and main the life of a resin-based water softener.
These items will be available individually or in case quantities. To learn more, visitwww.water-right.com, or call 800-777-1426.