The Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) is accepting
nominations for its Distinguished Service Award. An eligible recipient shall be a
contractor, engineer, educator, inventor, researcher, equipment
manufacturer/supplier or materials producer/supplier, who has made
exceptionally valuable contributions to the advancement of the deep foundations
industry. The awardee can be in an active job position or retired. Posthumous
nominations also are acceptable. He or she must be of good moral character, and
not in a position to reward anyone for selecting him or her as an awardee. He
or she need not be a member of DFI.
must be made prior to Jan. 31. Persons making a nomination must be a DFI member
in good standing. Those nominations will be considered by the Award Committee
based on the following criteria: duration of career in industry, industry leadership,
technological leadership, technological innovation, strength of curriculum vitae,
character, DFI contributions and accomplishments, and contributions to the
advancement of the deep foundations industry. Current year nominations will be
considered along with nominees from the past two years. Following three years
of consideration, a nominee shall be dropped from the list, but shall remain
eligible for re-nomination in subsequent years.
Distinguished Service Honored
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