Goals of this conference:
- Identify long-term impacts of climate change on ground water resources.
- Explore ground water management strategies that address climate change.
- Discuss possible solutions to mitigate the effects of climate change on ground water availability and sustainability.
- Identify the impact of extreme weather events on ground water resources.
- Allow participants to interact with ground water and atmospheric scientists, as well as water resources managers.
- Examine case studies presented by ground water and atmospheric scientists.
This year’s Theis Conference keynote speaker is Eric Barron, director of the National Center for Atmospheric Research. During his career, he has worked to promote the intersection of the geological sciences with the atmospheric sciences and the field of Earth system science.
The fee for this conference is $675 for NGWA members. To learn more about this conference, visit www.ngwa.org and click on “Events/Education,” or telephone 800-551-7379.