Congratulations to the 2004-2005 California Groundwater Association (CGA) Scholarship Award winners - Joe Chapman, Jade Elliot and April Luera. Each winner will have the $1,000 award sent to the school of their choice.
Joe Chapman was awarded the CGA Water Scholarship award. Joe is attending California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo. Chapmen was sponsored by CGA member Gary Mickelson of Jerry & Don's Yager Pump & Well, Petaluma, Calif., where Chapman has worked.
Jade Elliot was awarded the CGA General Memorial Scholarship Award. Elliot graduated from Harbor High School in Santa Cruz in June. He was sponsored by CGA member Mike Maggiora of Maggiora Brothers Drilling, Watsonville, Calif., where Elliot's father, Dan, works.
April Luera was awarded the CGA General Memorial Scholarship Award. Luers is attending Hartnell College in Salinas with plans to finish her transfer program and enroll at CSU -Monterey Bay. She was sponsored by CGA member Adam Stewart of CPS Inc., Sacramento, Calif., where her father, Jesse, works.