Make the Right Decision
An example is this message: "Look, we don't want to waste your time É or ours. You must be determined to earn a bare minimum of $10,000 in the next 30-45 days and to develop a net worth of over $1 million cash in the next 24-36 months. My mission is to help other people develop their life-long dreams. And part of what I'm looking for is those people who are committed to that big of a picture and are not afraid to work for it. We can help you."There are no details at all as to what has to be done to obtain this vast wealth in such a short period of time. All you have to do is click on a link and you are on your way to being the next millionaire. It is a sure bet, by clicking on the link, and following the instructions.
Somewhere near the end you will be asked to spend some money. At the end of the e-mail, similar text is written, as shown below: "P.S. This is not a get rich quick scheme. It takes work. However É this is more powerful and profitable than any other direct sales, multi-level, franchise or investment opportunity in existence today."
Earn $50,000 in 90 Days!
The opening paragraph reads as follows: "You can earn $50,000 or more in the next 90 days sendinge-mail guaranteed!
"Seem impossible? Read on for details. Is there a catch? NO!!! There is no catch. Just send your e-mails; and, you will be on your way to financial freedom."
As Seen on National Television
E-mails also may goad you on with claims like this: "Thank you for your time and interest. This is the letter you've been reading about in the news lately. Due to the popularity of this letter on the Internet, a major nightly news program recently devoted an entire show to the investigation of the program described below to see if it really can make people money. The show also investigated whether or not the program was legal. Their findings proved once and for all that there are absolutely no laws prohibiting the participation in the program. This has helped to show people that this is a simple, harmless and fun way to make some extra money at home. The results of this show have been truly remarkable. So many people are participating that those involved are doing much better than ever before. Since everyone makes more as more people try it out, it's been very exciting to be a part of lately. You will understand once you experience it."The Internet is a meeting place for millions of people. And the endless capacity of reaching into homes by e-mail has made the road easier for the multi-level marketers to spread their gossip. Some of the marketing schemes may have merit and could be quite lucrative. Others just want you as a member with your cash. What draws suspicion are the many pages of paragraphs in the e-mail, but the lack of any information on what is to be done, how this money is made or the starting cost for the reader. Even with an entire e-mail on the subject, how somebody could make this much money just by taking this one small simple step is not explained.
Are they scams? No doubt some of them are on the edge of the line. Most times, the initial investment is so small that the investor would feel embarrassed to report it. Court decisions have been handed down regarding spamming on the Internet. The rules don't change for the unknown scammer. Whether it is a scam or a perfect extra money generator - this is the difficulty the reader has to face. Use this old rule: If you are not sure, then don't do anything. What appears to be a scam can be reported to the Internet Fraud Complaint Center, at www.ifccfbi.gov.
The best advice would be is to delete all spam e-mail and stay with drilling holes in the ground!