Soil Vapor Sampling
ESP's 1.5-inch Soil Vapor Sampler utilizes the Post Run Tubing (PRT) system. The PRT fitting utilizes o-ring connections to ensure a vacuum-tight seal. The soil vapor sample is drawn through the expendable point holder and PRT adapter into the sample tubing. ESP's stainless steel PRT fitting accepts various tubing sizes. Environmental Service Products
Solid Augers
Solid augers from Mills Machine are manufactured with thick steel flighting and a heavy steel center shaft, and have a variety of cutting heads available. Used for utility, industrial, mining and construction applications, the augers are available in diameters from 3 1/2 inches to 48 inches. The normal length is 5 feet, with 3- and 4-foot lengths readily available, and special lengths as required. Mills Machine Co.
Fuel Fluorescence Detector
Vertek's dual downhole fuel fluorescent detector (FFD) detects the fluorescence produced by aromatic hydrocarbons when excited by an ultraviolet light source. The system is said to significantly reduce the time needed to detect and delineate the extent of hydrocarbon fuel spills or leaking storage units. The FFD provides a continuous, real-time output of fluorescence over the entire depth of the investigation. Applied Research Associates Inc.
New Piston Sampler
The Piston Sampler from AMS collects discrete interval specific samples in difficult sampling conditions, such as flowing/heaving sands and swelling clays using any direct push system. The system also can be used in soils below ground water. The Piston Sampler is designed to prevent liner failure during sample collection. The use of either or both of the two core catcher options can minimize the chance of loss of the soil sample. AMS Inc.
Monitoring Well Caps
The Ex-Cap, available from Enviro Design Products, comes in 2- and 4-inch sizes. When removing the quick connect device, the Ex-Cap is virtually water- and air-tight in both directions, but when the connection device is secured with its snap on-off method, it is possible to inject or withdraw from the appointed vessel. Enviro Design Products
Water Level Meter
The Heron Water Tape is manufactured to be easy to use, easy to read and easy to clean. It has a 300-foot polyethylene tape reinforced with Kevlar. The measuring tape is wound on an aluminum reel mounted on a tubular steel frame. The 5?inch probe is made with stainless steel and Teflon, and is full-depth rated. The Water Tape comes with a 12-month warranty. Heron Instruments Inc.
Accessory Lines
Slotted and perforated pipes from Atlantic Screen are available in sizes 1/2 inch through 24 inches - all schedules. Also offered are fittings, manholes, porous pipe, locking caps, filter socks, passive skimmers, clear PVC pipe, sampling bailers, in-line chemical mixers, centralizers, pump protectors, well protectors, sampling pumps, well cleaning products, carbon and more. A free catalog is available. Atlantic Screen & Manufacturing Inc.
Monitoring Well Manholes
Advanced-design monitoring well manholes from I.E.S. feature solid cast iron construction, built-in lock anchors for stability and buna rubber seals for watertight performance. The 4-inch manholes are designed for use on geoprobe wells, and the 8-inch manholes are intended for use on 2- and 4-inch wells. The lock is designed to eliminate stripped, cross-threaded and missing bolts. I.E.S. Drilling Supplies
Compact Rig
The SIMCO EP200/ATV is a ruggedly built, compact package to get drillers in and out of hard-to-access sites. It features a hydraulic probe hammer with bit pressure control, auger drill head, 42-inch net stroke with 20-inch mast slide. The rig is carried by a John Deere Pro Gator 4-by-4 with a 26-Hp gas engine that provides a top speed of 19 mph. It has capacity for the rig, tools and two people. SIMCO Drilling Equipment Inc.