That's what we glean from the results of our latest Reader Profile Study, conducted this past summer. Following are some of the study's results in detail - check them out and see how you compare.
Under 30 - 4%
31-40 - 21%
41-50 - 34%
51 - 60 - 22%
61-70 - 14%
Over 70 - 5%
Mean = 49 years
Median = 48
Number of Years in the Drilling Industry
Less than 10 - 13%
10-15 - 14%
16-20 - 14%
21-30 - 33%
31-40 - 15%
More than 40 - 11%
Mean = 25 years
Median = 25 years
Number of Rigs Owned/Leased
One - 15%
Two - 17%
Three - 15%
Four - 10%
5-9 - 26%
10 or more - 16%
Mean = 7 rigs
Median = 4 rigs
Number of Wells Drilled Annually
Less than 10 - 9%
10-24 - 11%
25-49 - 17%
50-99 - 22%
100-199 - 25%
More than 200 - 16%
Mean = 97 wells
Median = 60 wells
Annual Sales Revenue
Less than $100,000 - 10%
$100,000 - $249,999 - 14%
$250,000 - $499,999 - 23%
$500,000 - $999,999 - 21%
$1 million - $1.9 million - 12%
More than $2 million - 20%
Mean = $1,963,009
Median = $500,000
Type of Work Performed
(mean percentages)
59 percent residential
41 percent commercial
Factors of Importance When Selecting Drilling-related Products
Product Quality - 100%
Product Reliability - 99%
Availability - 92%
Company Reputation - 86%
Warranty - 82%
Price - 72%
Manufacturer's Reps/Sales Staff - 58%
Brand Recognition - 54%
When we asked contractors how many people they employed, the most common answers were 1-4 (41%) and 5-9 (28%). Other ranges were 10-19 (15%), 20-29 (4%) and 30+ (12%).