Fifteen educational sessions provided ample opportunity to stay abreast of developments in DOT and OSHA issues, well rehabilitation, grouting, soil cuttings, pumps and motors, and more. Approximately 40 booths in the exhibit area let drillers check out the latest supplier offerings.

The association expresses much gratitude to the sponsors of the 2002 event -- Aermotor Pumps, Bradford Supply, Foremost Industries, HOK Sales, Amtrol and Tri-State Tubular. We'll add our thanks to the companies -- Larson-Becker, Preferred Pump and Wilmar Pump -- that took care of the hospitality suite action; much fun was had, indeed.

President -- Robert Albrecht, Albrecht Well Drilling, Ohio, Ill.
Vice President -- Larry Lyons, Lyons Well Drilling, Stockton. Ill
Secretary -- Jim Layton, Kickapoo Drilling, Downs, Ill.
Treasurer -- Steve Snelton, A&C Snelton Inc., Barrington, Ill.
Congratulations and good luck to this new leadership team.
Looking ahead to next year, the IAGP will moving up its 2003 annual meeting a little bit to the end of February. It will be held at the Clock Tower in Rockford, Ill., and as soon as specifics are available, we'll pass along that information.