This was one of the most enjoyable and fun conventions I have ever attended. Everyone treated Bess and me with open arms and, of course, we were known as Porky and Bess, or Bess and Porky, depending on which one of us they were talking to.
The ADS even supplied an electric scooter for me for the whole 10 days at no charge - a little different from other conventions I have attended.
Bess and I presented a lecture on “Dowsers and Drillers.” It was on how dowsers could work with drillers and vice-versa. It was well-attended and well-received.
Excellent meals were available by the college each and every day for a reasonable fee. I think every attendee ate each meal in the cafeteria, which allowed everyone to meet and visit with one another.
The convention committee supervisor, Tipi Halsey, along with her assistants, did an excellent job of supervising and managing the convention. Tipi gets around with the assistance of a cane and occasionally an electric scooter. Even with her using a cane, Tipi is hard to keep up with. In addition, she had her own display booth where she sold colorful clothing that she had made.
While riding around the area on Sunday, I came across a drilling rig, on site, drilling a well less than a half-mile from the college. Bess says I must be a dowser because if there's a rig nearby, I find it.
On Monday, I returned to the drill site to visit with the driller. They already had completed the well and apparently had gone to lunch, so I left a business card with my photo on the drill windshield. I returned a little later and saw them moving the drill. I followed them as they returned to their business. I pulled in behind the drill, and Mr. John Gould Jr. of Gould Well Drilling was driving the rig. He smiled when I got out and said, “Hi Porky, what are you doing in Vermont?” (Of course, they read the National Driller.) Mr. John Gould Sr. got out of his pickup, and I told them I was attending the American Dowsers Convention. He said, “Oh, those people up on the hill!” We soon changed our conversation to drilling. I had a very nice visit with the Goulds and then went back up on the hill.
There were so many excellent speakers on dowsing, environment and health it was impossible to attend all the classes. I was very impressed with the organization of the convention and the way it moved along so smoothly - for 10 full days.
I recommend that drillers get to know dowsers even though they may not believe in dowsing. It could be a learning experience for both. Being married to my favorite dowser for 49 years this September, I have gained a lot of respect for dowsing. When I really want to know, I ask Bess.
Wouldn't it be great if a driller could be known for his ability to obtain the best and most water instead of being called something like “Dry Hole Joe,” “Limited Water” or “A Duck out of Water?” I have heard drillers being called all of these and more.
I don't say you have to trust your dowser like I do mine, but I do recommend you give him or her a chance and then share at what depth you hit the water and how many gallons per minute it produced. It could be a learning experience for you both.
Drillers probably shouldn't be dowsers unless they guarantee water and probably shouldn't recommend one; however, if the well client chooses to hire a dowser, I suggest the driller work with them. You and the dowser may learn from one another.
I know some people and drilling organizations don't believe in dowsers; however, there are those who don't believe in our great drilling organizations. I say, give them all a chance.
If the Powers That Be will allow, I'll be attending the American Dowsers Society Convention, South Atlantic Well Drillers Jubilee and the National Ground Water Association's Convention next year and in the years to come. When you don't see me at the conventions, I'll either be on a job or gone to be with the Powers That Be!