As always, plenty of rigs on display outside the exhibit hall.

Richard Oberle hosts Michelle and Mark Lawrence (Lawrence Water Wells, Duanesburg, N.Y.) at the Well Magic booth.
Day one educational seminars included “Well Drillers Training,” “Air Brake and Adjustment,” “Well Magic Software” and “OSHA Minimum Overhead Cable Require-ments.” The evening show preview and social event featured welcoming remarks by National Ground Water Association president Tom Downey, and music by “Lovebomb.”
On day two, the exhibit hall was open from 8:00 to 3:00, and seminars on arsenic treatment and geothermal installations were presented.

Making the rounds are Bruce Mortage and Chris Lavoie of Clearwater Artesian Well, Rollinsford, N.H.

From Brookfield, Conn.: Russell and Desirae Bonn, and Ilona and Mark Johnson.

Morning refreshments were provided by D&S Pump Companies.

Ryan and Gregg Wragg, representing Wragg Brothers of Vermont, visit with Sandvik's Rick Kant.

Ted Rossell of Rose-Wall Mfg. Inc. chats with Joe Haynes (Northeast Water Wells Inc., Hudson, N.H.)

Ryan and Gregg Wragg, representing Wragg Brothers of Vermont, visit with Sandvik's Rick Kant.

The weatherman cooperated nicely.

Enjoying a cup of joe: Donna, Tyler and Alan Goodrich of Beaver Hill Well & Pump, Springvale, Maine.

Gilbert Holdgate (Holdgate Well Drilling Inc., Nantucket, Mass.) and Heisey Machine's Winston Heisey.

From Rick's Pump & Water Service in Brookfield, Conn.: Brett and Mark Stafford. Mark's had about enough.