Several of my friends in the drilling business have Web sites, and they encouraged me to do the same. I always figured that my drilling business was pretty small and not worth the effort or expense, but when I got into manufacturing solids-control equipment for other drillers, I realized that if I was going sell anything I would have to get the word out. I started doing my homework, thinking it might be something I could do myself. After all, I had figured out how to use this dog-gone computer after a while!
Turns out there is quite a bit more to it than meets the eye. I fumbled around searching the Web for advice for quite a while before coming to the conclusion that this is one job better left to the experts. It's kinda like having customers who had decided to drill their own wells: After a while their backs give out, their friends won't come around and help, no matter how much free beer they give out, and they've spent a fortune in time and totally useless equipment and still don't have water! Actually, they make pretty good customers most of the time; they appreciate what we do for a living.
Went to a local company that has a good reputation and advertises Web page design, and told them what I wanted to do. They assigned me to a young lady who, although she might be a little slow - hey, I don't know how long this stuff takes - seems to know her stuff when it comes to the Net. This is cool: All my friends have Web masters, I have a Web mistress. Hope Lottie doesn't find out …
First thing we did was register a domain name. After searching the Web and trying some different things, I got one: www.prodrillsystems.com. It's all mine - as long as I pay a nominal fee per year.
Then the real work began. Turns out that just because I had hired someone to do the grunt work, it didn't mean I could go home and sit on the porch. While she could set things up and arrange them, I had to provide the content - that means the pictures and text and specifications and all sorts of things that I carry around in my head, but had never bothered to write down. I spent some sleepless nights getting the material together, and more than a couple meetings and e-mail sessions getting it all plugged in. The site isn't done yet - there always is more to do - but it is up and running. Go look it up and tell me what you think.

On the day of the scheduled surgery, I took her down there for the “procedure.” They don't call it an operation any more - probably get more money for a procedure. She was nervous and cranky because they wouldn't let her eat since the day before - not good with Lottie. She made me promise to behave myself, and I did my best - such as that is.
I got her home a few hours later and have been making sure that my head cook and best friend is as comfortable as I can make her. It obviously hurts like heck, so I'm doing some things around here that I didn't even do when I was a bachelor.