Precision Blasting Services is making available theBlaster's Guide, Second Editionas a service to the industry.

Precision Blasting Services of Montville, Ohio, is making available theBlaster's Guide, Second Editionas a service to the industry. The guide is designed to enable the blaster to estimate blast design dimensions in the field, as well as provide the necessary forms for control of blasting operations. It presents methods to estimate burden, spacing, geologic corrections, blasthole timing, decking, stemming, subdrilling and explosive loads.

One section provides Konya's blast effects scale, environmental vibration scale and air overpressure compared to wind velocity scale. Another section of the guide offers a series of tables that can be used to determine average blast design dimensions. The Blaster's Guide information tables are in both U.S. and metric units. Additional forms for proper data presentation also are given for blasting plans, seismic monitoring reports, blasting logs and many others.

The cost of the Blaster's Guide is $29.00, which includes shipping and handling. Contact Dr. Calvin J. Konya at Precision Blasting Services to order at P.O. Box 189, Montville, Ohio 44064-0189; phone 440-474-6700; or e-mail