Cain and Associates organized Jubilee and did such a great job. They deserve an award for helping to provide such an interesting family event for everyone.
Among the events at the 45th Annual South Atlantic Well Drillers Jubilee in Myrtle Beach, SC July 29 - August 1, 2000 was presentation of the McCall Award. This year's recipient was Dale Smith of H. Dale Smith Well Drilling, Eden, GA. He was nominated by the Georgia Drillers Association (GDA). Among the many accomplishments listed, Dale Smith has been involved with their association for more than 28 years; he has given a great deal of time and money to the GDA and Jubilee; he served as president and other officer positions when called upon for the GDA including serving as Director for many years; he has supported the GDA Well Show over his many years of involvement; he served as one of the original members on the State Licensing Board after the licensing law was enacted; he has given a great deal of input into provisions of the licensing law and lobbied hard to see this bill enacted into law; he has been active in political endeavors on behalf of the industry and is well-known and respected by legislators; he spent time lobbying for continuing education for well drillers. Smith could be counted on to keep up to date on Jubilee activities and is dedicated to the well drilling profession, the GDA and Jubilee.

Over 200 exhibitors were at Jubilee this year. There were 28 workshops on varied subjects from Current Trends in Well Rehabilitation to Innovations In Locating Water Supplies In Bedrock Aquifers.
Amtrol's annual breakfast drew an incredible crowd and has become a Jubilee tradition over the years.
At the Pickard Jubilee Family Dinner Worth F. Pickard spoke to attendees about the history of Jubilee and its promising future. Pickard started working with a well company in 1951 and started his own business in 1961, drilling industrial municipal wells. He was placed on the North Carolina Water Well Association (NCWWA) board of directors in 1963 and helped start Jubilee. He has served on the Jubilee board since then. He served as president of the NCWWA and president of South Atlantic Water Well Association two times each. He also served as president of the National Water Well Association in 1990. He started Future Leaguers in 1995.

Breakfast with Noland was held on August 1st in conjunction with Goulds Pumps. Mike McLaughlin spoke to attendees about racing the Goulds car and answered questions from them. He said he enjoyed talking to people one-on-one about racing and what it means to him.
The 2001 Jubilee will be held July 28-31st at Myrtle Beach Convention Center in Myrtle Beach, SC - see you there!